Alfaiz Thai Travel
Alfaiz Thai Travel

Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once exists between man and the universe


Alfaiz Thai Travel
Alfaiz Thai Travel

We collaborate with renowned providers to offer reliable, premium services to diverse clients, supporting integrated lifestyles and exceptional customer experiences while building long-term stakeholder value.

Alfaiz Thai Travel
Alfaiz Thai Travel

secure your exclusive package today and let Alfaiz Thai Travel redefine the art of travel for you.

Alfaiz Thai Travel
Alfaiz Thai Travel

Wandering re-establishes the original harmony which once exists between man and the universe

Alfaiz Thai Travel
Alfaiz Thai Travel

Unique business model: Collaborate with renowned providers for reliable premium services. Serving diverse clients including corporate, Medical & Wellness, and high net worth individuals. Building long-term value for stakeholders.


We specialize in key niche markets like Holistic Luxury, Sports, Corporate, Leisure, and Medical & Wellness in Thailand, a popular international destination for visitors.

Who we are

Alfaiz Thai Travel’s Thai travel brand; we are a professional DMC catering to the needs of discerning travelers between the Kingdom of Thai and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. The core focus of Travel management company incorporated in 2022, we have built an impeccable reputation for exceptional service in four specific travel markets: Holistic Luxury travel, Corporate, Leisure, and Medical and Wellness.


Tailored travel packages for Holistic Luxury, Sports, Corporate, Leisure, and Medical & Wellness in popular Thailand destinations.



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